合计225 个溺水事件
28 (12.4%) 溺水者死亡
40 (17.8%) 溺水者事件导致至少1个施救生者死亡
26 (11.6%) 溺水者存活,多于1个施救生者死亡
The fact that the mortality rate between rescuers and victims was "statistically indistinguishable" is scary. There are few (if any) other diseases/injuries where the person trying to help the patient has a similar mortality rate. Additional analysis found that those rescuers who chose to assist swimmers through direct contact in the water instead of reaching from a boat had a higher risk of mortality, further confirming the "Reach, Throw, Ro, Don't go!" mantra aimed at keeping rescuers safe. The article did not go in to detail on the background training of the rescuers, but it can be assumed that little training and resources were available.
Evidence like this highlights the importance of broad public education in areas of high drowning prevalence, especially when trained rescue personnel are not within close proximity. By taking simple steps to ensure rescuer safety (using a floating craft or another object to reach victim), the complex burden of drowning can be improved.
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